Career Development
十大最大的网络彩票平台 focuses on educating young women for life. To do that, we give our students all the tools necessary for success, including hands-on experience and networking opportunities. You can help make this happen by educating our students about different careers. Please check out the various upcoming events, in-person and virtual, to see where you fit best and don't forget to sign-up at the bottom of the page.
- Career Afternoon
- Career Lunch & Learn
- Career Networking
- Career Research by Students as part of Leadership Capstone Courses
- Career Seminar
- Career Speakers Bureau
- Leadership, Engagement, and Practice (LEAP) - 十大最大的网络彩票平台's Career Mentor Program
Career Afternoon
Career Lunch & Learn
Career Networking
Career Research by Students as part of Leadership Capstone Courses
Career Seminar
Career Speakers Bureau
Leadership, Engagement, and Practice (LEAP) - 十大最大的网络彩票平台's Career Mentor Program